W3.CSS Trulli
Note: Silvering side of the solar filter should always be pointing the sun

Step 1 : Measure the Outer diameter of the telescope tube.

Step 2 : Buy a solar filter (if you want a false-color orange needed to picture sun then buy 1000 Oaks or for true color buy a Baader filter) sheet such that the outer dimension of the telescope tube is lesser than the filter dimension.

Step 3 : Cut the filter in a circular form such that it is exactly to the inner diameter of the telescope tube.
Step 4 : Make two circular solid material cuts such that they can support the filter sheet and outer ring of the telescope tube.

Step 5 : Glue/staple the solid material to both sides of the filter sheet.

Step 6 : Verify that if the DIY solar filter part fits properly in the telescope tube from where light enters. Verify extremely whether the filter doesn't fall when fitted in telescope because of winds or shakes as it's extremely important while dealing with the sun that no matter what direct light shouldn't pass otherwise even a few times direct exposure with the sun can damage one's eye...Enjoy.

To buy it directly, without wasting any time for making. Click on the link below.

