Gears Used: Meade StarNavigator NG 114 mm with broken go-to mount, Canon 1300D,1.25" T adapter, Barlow lens.

Step 1 : Download Star Walk 2 / Stellarium for android device from the play store / desktop respectively.

Step 2 : Attach Barlow lens to your 1.25" adapter and segment moon such that each frame share's at least 40% with ever segment.

Step 3 : Start shooting the moon with a DSLR in manual mode then follow The Lunar 11 Rule. ie., Aperture f11( while DSLR is powered ON set the Aperture to F11), ISO to match the shutter speed (iso 200 = 1/200 sec, iso 400 = 1/400 sec, etc)

Step 4 : Use PIPP software to stabilize the segmented photos and convert it into a video .avi format. (this process stabilize your photos that were shoot individually)

Step 5 : Use RegiStax to stack the video generated in step 4.

Step 6 : Process the brightness and contrast in photoshop / Lightroom software such that the details are highlighted...Enjoy.
